Women's Woodworking Guild of Indiana

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Upcoming Events


Our meetings in the past were held the same night every month but because of changes in meeting places, each month the night we meet will probably vary. If you are on our email list you should get emails with more of when and where our meetings are going to be held. 
This is necessary so that we can find places to hold our meetings that have the right equipment that we need for the topics or demo's for each meeting. Please look below for details as to when and where our meetings will be. If you get on our mailing list you will receive more details !

Member Information!

Please remember to pay your 2018 dues of $20.
(What a bargain for all of the great things we learn!)

If you are a member of WWGI and would like to have some pictures of items that you have created displayed on the Members Gallery page of this website, please email me your pictures. Thank You!!!

Our Calendar of events for 2018.
Please check our calendar before attending a meeting, just in case there have been changes to our scheduled meetings.

February Please visit our booth at the Woodworking Show Feb 2nd, 3rd and, 4th at the Indiana State Fairgrounds.
Our March meeting will be Wednesday March 7th at 6:30 PM at Woodcraft. Woodcraft will demo for us how to create Inlayed Bowties as an Inlay or for Joinery.
Our April meeting will be Wednesday April 4th  at 6:30 PM at Woodcraft. Woodcraft will give a presentation on how to apply a French Polish Finish.
May Our May meeting will be Wednesday May 9th at 6:30 PM at Woodcraft. This will be a hands-on meeting where we will make a small cheese cutting board. There will be a cost to making a cheese cutting board - cost to be determined..


On Saturday June 16th we will be having our annual hands-on hand carving workshop/pitch-in picnic dinner. We will start at 3:00PM and will be at Merre's home in the Broadripple area. Rallie Murphy will be leading/teaching us hand carving again this year. You can bring your own carving project or you can purchase carving blanks from Rallie (at a really low price). He also has carving knives and Kevlar gloves for purchase at a very reasonable price. We will provide a main food item and ask that everyone bring a side, salad or desert. You can let me know any time if you plan to attend and what type of pitch in item you plan to bring. I will email direction to Merre’s house to members closer to the date. 


In July we will be helping the SAW’s Inc organization build a disability ramp for someone in need. It will most likely be somewhere in Marion County. We won’t know the location until a couple of weeks before. We will need up to 8 ladies to help cut and pre-assemble ramp sections on Thursday morning July 12th starting at 8:30AM at their shop on the north west side of Indy. Then we will need up to 8 ladies to help build the ramp at the home we are assigned to on Saturday July 14th starting at 8:30AM. Don’t worry if you are new to woodworking, they will have a project leader and all of the power tools that are needed and they will give assignments and show us what we are to do. You will need to bring work gloves and safety glasses. I will let you know any other details closer to the date. They are a great group of people that are very positive to work with. Please check out their web site and read about what they do and some of the people they have helped. It is a very worthwhile project for us to help with. You can let me know any time if you plan to help and which day.

Saws web address is: http://www.sawsramps.org/

August Our August meeting will be Wednesday August 29th at 6:30 PM at Woodcraft. This will be a hands on workshop to create router trivets. There will be a small cost for materials. Details will be emailed to members.
September Pallet Wood Project - each member will build a creation of their choice using Pallet Wood. Date and details to be determined later.
October To be planned
November To be planned

December  Annual WWGI Christmas Party - Date and detail closer to December.

Important Note: We are working on the remainder of our schedule for 2018. Check back for more details as we get them planned and arranged.